Let me know if it resonates for you.
If you’d like me to send you more information about your card/s please email eve@selfcarecoaching.net and say which card or all three.
Le grá (with love),
Welcome to, first of all, Happy Brigid for the 1st of February. As I mentioned in the podcast episode yesterday, we are honouring the divinity within all of us and we are noticing how to take better care of ourselves and reflecting on past, present and future as well as renewal and energy and strength and creativity and hope and new life.
And as a thank you for being a free subscriber, a Half Moon member of the Sole to Soul Circle, I'm sharing an oracle card reading more in-depth than the ones I usually share.
For Brigid, from the Brigid deck which is Dr Karen Ward's latest oracle card deck. I trained with her as a Moon Mná Women's Celtic Circle Facilitator when I first moved to Ireland and it was a gorgeous way to get to know some of the Irish goddesses, some of the archetypes there, working with them and sacred Ireland and different sites around my new home country.
First time I've lived anywhere with a blood link being Indian Irish but born in London and mostly raised in the UK. This deck has her go into way more detail with Brigid, a healer and a very powerful woman, goddess and saint.
So traditionally there are two Brigids, both celebrated on the 1st of February, the Goddess Brigid (ancient) and Saint Brigid (less ancient) but there are many overlaps with qualities. This deck differentiates between some of them but I'm going to encourage you to reflect on your own past, present and future using some of the prompts from the podcast episode and right now to just let yourself connect with your past, present and future and be open to a reading to support you in healing your past, your present and your future.
Recognising that you have so much power within you and whatever your past, whatever your current situation, you have the power to change things so we are to improve things.
I'm going to shuffle just ask that you ask to be guided to the highest good for yourself, the world at this time, connecting with your highest Self.
This always feels a bit weird when I'm doing it on a screen rather than on a recording rather than with people but it's trusting that even though I'm recording this in January and you're going to be listening to it later in January or watching it later in January, you're connecting now with what you need to hear right now or what your benefitting from hearing right now, there is that energetic exchange and connection.
Being open to a card to support you in healing your past, having some clarity around your Past.
OK. I'm placing that down. Another one for your Present, bring some clarity and wisdom and healing around your present.
OK. I don't know why I'm putting them down side up because you can't see them anyway and then for your Future, helping you heal, helping you thrive, helping you flourish as you move ahead to your highest good.
OK. I love it, got a glimpse of that there.
So for the Past and we've been talking about strength, energy and renewal and here we have Strength. I don't know if you can, I just realised I was showing it up there, not the webcam, so I don't know if you can see that so well but it's the oak tree and strength.
So it's, I'm going to read it to you and if you would like me to send you a copy of it, you can email eve at selfcarecoaching.net and I'll send you a copy of it. So the oak tree is strength and your dreams like tiny acorns become mighty oaks. There's an issue that requires you to stand your ground, there may be an issue that requires you to stand your ground, you grow in strength daily and it's an invitation to accept any support that's offered.
So a bit of history, in the 5th century in the common era, Saint Brigid founded her monastery under a large oak tree in Kildare on the site of a pagan shrine to the Goddess Brigid. In the Irish Gaelic language, the name Cill Dara means Kildare, means church of the oak. As the king of the woods, oak is a mighty tree with enduring strength, revered as sacred for both the Druids and the Celts.
With green lobed leaves and fruiting acorns, the oak sustains much insect and bird life and also attracts frequent lightning strokes. You're invited to ask if you find solace and strength sitting under an oak tree in deep relaxation. Maybe you've never done that but you can imagine it, maybe even picturing it, getting a sense of how it might feel can bring you solace and strength.
Perhaps you, like Brigid, enjoy the same quiet pleasure under the shady leaves and strong branches. Just letting yourself take strength from nature, when I say take I don't mean in a plundering and oppressive way, I mean with respect, letting yourself lean into the nourishing earth energy that we all have available to us anytime and draw strength and you're then able to give that strength back as well.
Let me know if that resonates for you and as we move into the Present we have the fire tending maidens and the message is about volunteering, I don't know, yeah, again let me know if you would like me to send this to you.
You are a valued volunteer in your community or you could be. It's time to shift focus to others or it might be and you might want to visit the Solace Breach Centre's perpetual flame in Kildare and it's also a reminder that you are and can be a team player. So the number of fire tending maidens in Brigid's fire temple mirrored the metatonic moon cycle, a period of 19 years.
After which the lunar phases recur at the same time. She trained 19 volunteers to take turns in feeding and guarding her sacred eternal flame. Brigid herself would tend the flame on the last day and it was a huge honour to be selected to tend this mighty fire in the heart of Brigid's monastery.
The Brigidine sisters relied on it. They relit her perpetual flame in 1993 and still tend it today at the Solace Breach Centre in Kildare. Do you ever volunteer to be of service? In a way that feels like an honour and a privilege.
This is not about being a doormat or being taken for granted or not valued or even exploited but notice for yourself the kind of service that would feel like something that you are called to do and that would help others and also support you.
The untold rewards of offering to help others is truly following in Brigid's footsteps of service and generosity. She was well known for giving away things that were given to her, very very generous of spirit and trusting in the abundance of the world that she would never go short.
Again let me know if that resonates for you and then we move into the Future and we have a sacred stream and the message is soothe.
Again let me know if you would like me to send this to you. You are a healer is its message. There is a negative stream of thought that you might need to release so get some clarity around whether that might be true for you.
It's also an affirmation that you are flowing in the right direction and that others appreciate your soothing ways and if they don't there are others that will. So the healing stream at, I'm sorry I'm in the early stages of learning Irish Gaeilge and I'm not very good at all so these pronunciations I'm not doing justice to but it flows underground from Brigid's shrine well. Folk at County Louth, Celtic warriors Cú Chulainn and Ferdia's battle runes were bathed and healed here during the cattle raid of Cooley.
Young Brigid and her followers stopped here on their way to Kildare to set up her monastery. This meadowland stream, the cairn and unique double spiral rock art are all part of Brigid's Way pilgrimage route today. People walk it every year.
Apply to the guardian to cross over this private land and ask yourself is there flow in your life? Maybe it's time to acknowledge the calmness that you yourself bring to situations and Brigid is a reminder of our innate gifts that often remain hidden or unused so there can take some soothing in terms of sharing some of that with the world and making sure that you put as many supports in place so you know that it's safe for you to shine, it's your sacred duty to shine.
Let me know if this or all of them or none of them resonate but whatever's coming up for you and Happy, Happy Brigid.
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