
There is SO much more to you than whatever is impacting your mental health

This week's bonus content as for free subscribers (Half Moon members) is to support you in finding more balance and harmony with your own mental health

I've just recorded that exceedingly long podcast episode about some of my mental health journey (WATCH OR LISTEN TO EPISODE 44 HERE) and I wanted to share a quick little bonus bit of content for you which you may have come across before or you may not have but it's so simple.

I learned it during my psychosynthesis training where I can't even remember what was going on for me but the trainer took me to one side, got a big old piece of A4 and just drew a little square on it and pointed out that that was the thing I was stressed about, that was the thing I was anxious about, that was the thing I was traumatised about.

I'm sure it was very important at the time, I do not remember what it was now

Her point was that there was so much more to me than that tiny little thing and whatever it is you're dealing with right now, whatever kind of woe, whatever, whether it's a health challenge, whether it's to do with money or whether it's to do with the climate emergency or something global or something personal or something, I hope I'm not stressing you out with various examples of things that might be going wrong.

It might be a work issue, it might be anything at all, whatever is stressing you out right now, whatever is making you anxious, whatever feels enormous, please take a moment, grab a piece of paper and just draw it and remind yourself you are infinite, you are part of the infinite, you have so much more to you than that issue.

There's a special trauma sensitive and ADHD friendly yoga nidra for the deeper dive for the Full Moon and Super Moon members which will be coming out tomorrow and available in the Exclusive Membership Area, membership benefits area, but you can do any yoga nidras to help you connect with that more limitless, expansive part of yourself.

Obviously, I hope you'll enjoy mine and I love hearing from you so let me know how you're getting on and let me know how it feels to even entertain the idea that whatever's going on for you is only part of the story, that you have all the resources you need, that there's so much more to you and so much more to life.

And it's about opening up, surrendering, trusting and allowing the support, the resolution, the no longer clinging on so tight to whatever it is, the trust and surrender and letting yourself.

So let me know how you get on and I will see you again next week! (And tomorrow for Full Moon and Super Moon members).

le grá (with love),