
'I get to choose how I live my life'

Your Half Moon member bonus content (video, full transcript and journal prompts) from my Inner Queen and King, or Inner Boss, conversation with Jayne Leonard…
girl leaning on wall during daytime
Have you ever channelled the confidence of a beloved toddler? Photo by Kiana Bosman on Unsplash

To thank you for being a Half Moon member (free subscriber) of the Sole to Soul Circle, I love to honour the Half Moon lunar phase by asking, with each week’s theme, how might you bring more balance and harmony to your life?

Have you been putting yourself last?

Do you ever forget that you only have one life and it’s truly up to you how you live so much of it?

How might connecting with your Inner Toddler ‘Boss’ or Inner Queen or Inner King help?

Let me know!

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Full transcript below.

le grá (with love),


Welcome free subscribers, Half Moon members of the Sole to Soul Circle.

We spoke more in the episode 42 of The Feel Better Every Day Podcast around our Inner Kings and Queens and empowerment and for some bonus content for you, I wanted to chat with Jayne a bit more about some of the things we do to step into our power and stay in our power. And I loved what Jayne was saying about taking inspiration from her four-year-old daughter who's in ‘boss’ mode.

And I just wanted to ask Jayne, ‘What do you do? What helps you?’ And then, for the Full Moon and Super Moon members (paid subscribers), there'll be a deeper dive tomorrow where we explore how we actually do these things.

So what do I do? Yeah, that's a good question. A lot of the time, I think it's just checking my thinking.

I mean, I'm a CBT therapist mostly, so let's go to the thoughts first. But a lot of it is just checking my thinking and saying, ‘Oh, wait, is this actually my voice or is this voice of all these other responses and all these other people that I've internalised since I was a kid?’

Yeah, so it's really, I suppose, getting in touch with actually hearing that boss inside or that queen inside.

What does she really want or what does she need to come out? And then I kind of just imagine batting away those voices and really listening and turning up the volume on me and my voice, I suppose.

And I think over the years, just practicing that kind of radical acceptance of, well, this is who I am, this is what I need, I only get one life and I'm not going to live my life for other people. They get their lives to live as they want. Yeah, I get to choose how to live mine.

And this is what I want to do. And again, not trampling on anybody else's needs or wants, but it's just like if I want to, you know, give my opinion and my opinion might be different, my opinion might be weird and they might not get it. Yeah, that's okay.

Yeah. I will share this little meditation in the Full Moon and Super Moon Exclusive Membership Benefits area, but I like to ground and connect with the Divine and allow that to flow through me as much as possible.

So I'm constantly coming into the body as much as I can, reminding myself that I'm safe, working with the nervous system, reminding myself that we all thrive when we move towards what feels good and away from what doesn't, and that we're wired to thrive when we feel safe, welcome and loved, and to not argue with reality around that.

So I love what you were saying about kind of radical acceptance and self-compassion, but just thinking it is giving ourselves permission to know what we know and want what we want. And giving, like you said, giving ourselves the safety and the love, like, you know, we can do that for ourselves. We don't need that external validation.

We can know it comes from within. Yeah. And also working in psychosynthesis, we work with subpersonalities, different parts of ourselves.

So while I've spoken today a lot about the Inner Queen, there might be the Inner Pauper, or the Inner Slave, or the inner, like, really, like, hurt, wounded, vulnerable parts that feel really disempowered, that have been really disenfranchised. So helping give more, more space, more compassion, more energy to them as well, those parts, there's going to be less self-sabotage with the Inner Queen. And I actually, I, yeah, I totally agree.

And I would comment it from the point of view of, I'm showing them that it's okay to do this piece and still be safe. Yes. Yes.

Yeah. Well, thank you so much. And we will be sharing more for the Full Moon and Super Moon members tomorrow.