What can you bring into your home, environment and heart to remind yourself that you’re not too much, you are enough, you’re not broken beyond repair, you’re completely and utterly worthy and, of course, LOVABLE?
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le grá,
So welcome free subscribers, Half Moon members, thank you for supporting the Sole to Soul Circle and we were talking in between hitting off for the recording for the Feel Better Every Day podcast about how learning to give myself more compassion, more acceptance around the potential oversharing.
And the thing I'm really trying to do differently with what I'm sharing with you now is to be more focused, obviously a struggle with ADHD and to not be overwhelming by sharing so much because like I mean I struggled to cut it down to 366 ideas, I could ramble for ages because so many things have helped me and I love sharing it so I think even just that recognition, okay so actually the oversharing, oversharing is a symptom and some people actually find that quite helpful like sometimes when other people turn what they're doing as oversharing I benefit from it.
And also something else I do as well as giving myself more permission with that ADHD brain is to have lots of physical anchors around me, kinaesthetic anchors as well but visual anchors so I have lots of heart-shaped things, I don't have any right next to me right now but I bought some like bright red heart-shaped stickers, I got some heart-shaped little ramekin dishes which I put kind of a selection of crystals for different parts of the home, different energies I wanted to bring in but each time I see a heart it might be on a mug, it might be wherever, I'm literally filling my home with love and that includes me as well as for loved ones so I have to constantly be reminded to be more loving, more compassionate, more accepting towards myself.
And yeah I was really hoping I'd remember what Jayne and I had been talking about in between then hitting record again because the whole working memory thing and again having acceptance and compassion for that.
And also I think we had talked about the oversharing and I said I have the need to over explain you know which is kind of related but that's again from not being understood, not feeling understood and so even I think rolling back on that a little bit for me has been helpful you know and even in caring for myself you know yeah but one of the other things I suppose I do for self-love is I just kind of more honour the need that I have whether it's to rest.
Because you know that whole ADHD burnout cycle is real, you work so hard because you get hyper focused and then you burn out so that need for rest because if one of my kids came home from school and said I'm really tired I wouldn't say well tough you have to go run five laps to the garden now or whatever I'd say oh okay sit down rest. I think it's actually when I look this is the yeah so when I look at what I do for them and look at what I do for myself it's trying to bring that more in line yeah.
Absolutely so we're gonna go into a deeper dive for the Full Moon and Supermoon members. But I'm thinking even I find it kind of miraculous that we're sitting here chatting about self-love as well as self-care because I've been working with self-care for decades but the self-love I've only even voiced really this past year. Because I used to live my life in such a place of self-loathing when I wasn't actively coaching myself or yoga-ing myself or doing the things to feel okay enough.
We'll be exploring more of that in the next recording and if you'd like to you can upgrade from as little as eight euros a month at evemc.substack.com. Anything else you'd like to add now Jayne before we move on to that?
Lots I'd like to add but that's the ADHD oversharing but for now I think that's okay yeah.
Thank you.
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