A lot of people (of all genders) who've survived trauma and/or have ADHD live with an enormous amount of shame and have stopped trusting themselves. I help them work with their nervous systems and connect with and take better care of their Self* to feel more peaceful and at ease in their own bodies and in the world. To heal and to thrive.

*that highest, wisest, truest, wildest, most joyful, brilliant and miraculous part of themselves

Fáilte! Welcome!

The Sole to Soul Circle offers a fully embodied, nervous system friendly, transpersonal approach to trauma recovery, ADHD and more. Your whole self and Self (that highest, wisest, truest, wildest, most joyful, brilliant and miraculous part of yourself) is very welcome.

Find out more about the next online Circle HERE

Find out more about how we work with the lunar phases and tiers of membership HERE

Find out more about the Love Your WHOLE Self chakra journey HERE


You’re NOT broken. You’re not too much. You ARE enough. You’re SO lovable and you DESERVE to heal your trauma/s and/or ADHD and to thrive. You deserve self care and I’d love to help you!

Join the Sole to Soul Circle (as a free or paid subscriber) and create a life you don’t need to retreat from.

I support trauma survivors (whether wanting to recover from Big T or little t trauma, complex developmental trauma, collective trauma or intergenerational trauma) and people with ADHD in learning to:

1) feel safer in your own body
2) become happier and more at ease in your own skin (embodied) and
3) connect with and take better of your whole self and Self (that highest, wisest, truest, wildest, most joyful, brilliant and miraculous part of yourself).

I do this by offering a wide range of resources through the book 365 Ways to Feel Better: Self-care Ideas for Embodied Wellbeing, the site and blog (selfcarecoaching.net) and, in a more structured way, through the Sole to Soul Circle here on Substack.

You don’t have to do All The Self Care Things to benefit from joining the Sole to Soul Circle.

And although it’s a trauma informed approach and ADHD friendly approach, you don’t need to have a trauma history or ADHD to benefit.

Your WHOLE self is welcome – the parts of you that are motivated to try new things and rekindle older practices and the part of you that sometimes just doesn’t wanna!

I used to think Feel Better Every Day meant me offering something new every day (like I do with the book, 365 Ways to Feel Better: Self-care Ideas for Embodied Wellbeing) but even I don’t have the time for all of that.

NO ONE has time for the kind of self care you think everyone else is doing

None of The Feel Better Every Day Podcast guests (I interview self care professionals from neuroscientists and doctors to therapists, counsellors, yoga teachers, energy workers, fitness professionals and more) manage their own ideal self care routines every day.

Instead of worrying about all the things you think you ‘should’ be doing, you can learn to connect with and take better care of yourself and your Self. That highest, wisest, truest, wildest, most joyful, brilliant and miraculous part of yourself.

To identify what YOU need most in any given moment. Because you’re unique (just like everybody else).

Sometimes, this will be a tiny tweak that makes a big difference and other times, you’ll recognise larger changes that you want to make but it’s about making them manageable. Minimising overwhelm.

‘But I don’t have time to slow down! And I can’t meditate!’

Are you struggling to:

  • ‘make time’ to meditate

  • practice yoga or your preferred type of mindful movement

  • exercise

  • prepare and eat nourishing food

  • get enough quality sleep

  • rest

  • spend enough time with loved ones

  • learn new skills and hobbies

  • keep up with old friends while making new ones

  • juggle parenting and/or other family responsibilities

  • make a living

  • express yourself through your work

  • prioritise creative pursuits

  • and on and on and on…?

Does navigating daily life feel overwhelming even before you bring in your responsibilities and energy fluctuations due to trauma, ADHD, perimenopause/menopause, running your own business (often caring for others) and other factors?

No wonder you’re stressed, anxious, low on confidence and struggling to sleep (and focus when you’re awake)!

I know from personal experience that when we think we have the least time, that’s when we need to stop the treadmill, take stop and reassess (and rest! And recharge!) the most

Self care has been the core of my work for 20 years now. And of my life for even longer as I tried, before I even had language for it, to make peace with my own past and heal my own trauma, anxiety and sleep issues.

I trained in several modalities as I found things that helped me keep saving my own life and wanted to use them to help others.

I wrote about self care in hundreds of features and columns for dozens of titles and appeared on TV and radio

Writing the book, 365 Ways to Feel Better: Self-care Ideas for Embodied Wellbeing (Pen & Sword, 2017) helped me bring it all together and share my work more confidently with others.

While I’ve been working with groups and individuals since 2004 and have presented on self care at national and international conferences, I used to be Chair of BACP Coaching and I’m Editor-in-Chief of the Irish Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, we teach what we need to learn and I’m still learning!

Even though I’d been meditating every morning since 2013, doing at lease SOME yoga daily, exercising regularly and sleeping a gazillion times better than Child Me, Teenage Me and 20s Me ever considered possible, 2023 was especially rough.

With bereavements, a head injury, Covid and other stresses that led to me feeling constantly depleted and I got HIGH blood pressure. After having such low blood pressure as a child and teenager (I used to pass out regularly even before I started drinking and have been sober since 2001), this got my attention.

My usual self care practices, when combined with working such silly hours, were not enough. A friend saw me crying on the usually isolated lane we live on and walk and talked some sense into me about taking a few days off.

Even though I initially insisted (and in that moment believed) I couldn’t possibly, I did. I had to. And, after the initial anxiety going through the roof, I relaxed into it.

Since then, not only have I blocked out weekends and time off each year but am taking (almost daily) long lunches every day for the first time in nearly 20 years of being my own boss. This means time for a longer yoga nidra, reading for pleasure, maybe a nap, playing some piano… a pause in the day which means I’ve been able to up my capacity and see more clients and supervisees because I have more energy. And better sleep.

Imagine how YOUR life will improve when you learn to regulate your nervous system

As you stop the treadmill for long enough to relax on a regular basis you’ll have more ENERGY for all the things you enjoy doing.

What will your life look like? What will you look like? (I’m imagining you beaming with easy joy). What will you hear? How will you speak to yourself and others? How might you make more time for music and sounds that bring you to life?

Imagine feeling amazing in your own body

Embodied, at ease, at peace and flowing and flexible as you grow in wisdom. Imagine how you’ll feel to be grounded and relaxed. Feeling completely held and supported by the earth’s nourishing energy. Able to benefit from the lunar energies as your newfound natural rhythms become natural and more deeply honed.

Imagine yourself literally having the time and desire to pause and smell the roses and other scents that make you happy.

Being able to use joy as a GPS, releasing many of the chores and duties that drag you down while making peace with the things you can’t change.

Introducing… the Sole to Soul Circle for trauma recovery, ADHD and more

The Sole to Soul Circle isn’t a replacement for trauma therapy and/or ADHD coaching but it IS a supportive space to help you get better at helping yourself

You’ll learn:

  • How to feel better every day. Even on days you DON’T, knowing that you’re finally feeling and welcoming ALL the feelings and allowing whatever needs to come up for healing – mentally, physically (always seek medical advice too, obv), emotionally and spiritually – to BE healed

  • How to identify and access more of the resources available to you (from online to live, other people and the earth and nature itself)

  • How to give yourself grace as you notice your energy fluctuations and learn to work with them as you do the self paced self care practices that resonate for you

  • How to access and learn (or re-remember) to understand and trust your inner knowing

  • How to connect with your inner joy and use it as a GPS to help you make tiny and enormous improvements to your life (gently, slowly and lovingly)

  • How to create daily and regular self and Self care routines and habits that help you act like someone who truly loves yourself and

  • with practice, BECOME someone who truly loves yourself

You’ll get:

  • Emails with self care ideas

  • Access to the full monthly online Circles

  • Bonus content including exclusive personal reflections on my own newly unfolding journey (recently diagnosed with ‘severe ADHD with combined presentation’)

  • Mobile friendly self paced self care recordings of the non-confidential elements:

    • unique new trauma informed and ADHD friendly yoga nidras

    • other mind body practices including breathwork

    • yoga poses

    • EFT Tap Alongs

    • energy work

    • and other resources for you to listen to or watch in your own time meaning you really can take your time as you create a life you don’t need to retreat from

    • online Circle recordings will be available to you for a week and the other ones, for as long as you remain a Full Moon or Super Moon member.

  • Instant access to the rich archive of exclusive membership benefits – all exclusive to Full Moon and Super Moon members for at least 12 months from recording dates before they may be shared more widely

  • Private support from me through weekly reflective feedback and grounding forms to help you work through the weekly posts you choose to delve into and make yourself accountable for taking action on your insights

‘There are so many things we have covered in the group that I find affirming and fit with my own values and how I like and want to live my life. When I look after myself, I am better able to be there for others in my life, eg. family, clients, anyone else and that is really important to me. On a very personal level, knowing I can be held by nature when I am feeling really bad has helped me enormously.’

Cherie, Essex, UK READ MORE

‘The yoga nidras have made a huge impact on my quality of sleep. The weekly email always has useful wisdom and accessible and enjoyable self help ideas, depending on how much time you have to put in. And no pressure. You just do what feels right for you.’

Amy, Cornwall, UK READ MORE

What would it be worth to you to…

Not just feel enthusiastic about a new way of being but NOT give up as this time, the ones you choose to focus on will become wired in as (almost) effortless new habits?

Make enormous changes from the inside out and put that old belief that you can’t heal your trauma/s and thrive because x, y and z to rest?

Learn to REST and ENJOY it guilt free. To embody a sense of ease and trust and PRESENCE knowing that work / the cleaning / any number of a gazillion other demands on your time can WAIT a while. And that these every day tasks will feel more enjoyable when you come at them from a loving, wholehearted, relaxed, recharged and rested space?

A retreat could cost €thousands and a huge chunk of time away from your home, loved ones and work. Then you’re back in the real world and it’s all forgotten (apart from the bill).

Or you could join the becoming more EMBODIED with trauma and/or ADHD online community and create a life you don’t NEED to retreat from with daily and weekly self and Self care practices and a monthly live Circle to let your mind, body, heart and soul feel like you’re in a holistic spa.

You can join Sole to Soul Circles as a:

  • Half Moon member (free subscribers get the free weekly emails)

  • Full Moon member (for access to each Dark New Moon Circle and other exclusive content) from as little as €80 a year and

  • as a Super Moon Member (with all the benefits above PLUS 2 private calls with me each year) €240 a year


You’ll continue to pay this (temporarily low) price for as long as you choose to remain a member of Sole to Soul Circles.


Still worried Sole to Soul Circles won’t work for YOU?

You can join Sole to Soul Circles as a Full Moon member by paying monthly and cancel at any time.

I want you to feel as enthusiastic and excited about Sole to Soul Circles as I am so I’m offering a full money back guarantee for annual Full Moon members (you can save more than £20 by joining as Full Moon member for a year) and all Super Moon members.

If this annual membership option feels like a big commitment (I know I sometimes feel like that joining up for a year), you can relax knowing that you can get a full refund if you DON’T feel more embodied AND connected to your Self (that highest, wisest, truest, wildest, most joyful, brilliant and miraculous part of yourself) within the first three months of your membership.

To get your money back, simply let me know of your request (and ensure you’ve completed and returned the weekly grounding and feedback forms as you moved through the self paced self care practices). You don’t have to DO all of the practices, just as many or as few as resonate each week. Completing the forms even if you’re not doing any of that week’s practices will help you get a sense of where you are with each week’s content. And/or join the monthly live online Circles

The Sole to Soul Circle trauma and/or ADHD online community is NOT for you if:

  • You need one to one trauma therapy and/or ADHD coaching. You DESERVE one to one trauma therapy and/or ADHD coaching! This group cannot be that space for you. (You might want to get in touch in case we can work together individually)

  • You’re not able to even spare the 10/15 minutes a week to READ the weekly offerings and complete the short Full Moon and Super Moon reflections form, helping you ground your insights each week or

  • You’re not interested in a holistic approach (in which case you’re unlikely to have read down this far).

But the Sole to Soul Circle for trauma recovery, ADHD and more is perfect for you if:

  • You like my style! I’m not for everyone (!!!) but you can check out my posts, videos and podcast to get a sense of the way I work for free

  • You’re ready to commit to healing your trauma/s or simply finding more peace and

  • You want some time and space each week to pay attention to what YOU need and want.

Are you ready to start LISTENING to your body’s wisdom and that highest, wisest, truest, wildest, most joyful, brilliant and miraculous part of yourself?

Or will you keep putting it off? further entrenching the habits that are taking you further away from the life you want to create? That you don’t NEED to retreat from?


Find out more about the next online Circle HERE

Find out more about how we work with the lunar phases and tiers of membership HERE

Find out more about the Love Your WHOLE Self chakra journey HERE


le grá,

Thank you for reading EMBODIED. This page is public so please feel free to share it with someone you know who might benefit.


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and inspired by the hope inducing idea of honouring our HUMAN artists and creators by Thanks again to you both ❤️🪷🌟

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Trauma informed and ADHD friendly therapies and Self* care for all 🐈‍⬛️ Create a life you don't need to retreat from🎙The Feel Better Every Day Podcast 📚 365 Ways to Feel Better: Self-care Ideas for Embodied Wellbeing ❤️🪷


Create a life you don't need to retreat from 🎙The Feel Better Every Day Podcast 📚 Author of 365 Ways to Feel Better: Self-care Ideas for Embodied Wellbeing 🌍 trauma therapist, supervisor, Self care coach and speaker ❤️ Editor-in-Chief of IJCP